Contact or visit us
Education Department
Rebekah Maahs, Administrative Assistant in Education
Smith-Curtis, Room 130B
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2304
rmaahs [at] (rmaahs[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)
Music Education, Combination (B.M.)
Performance Course Work | 16 hours |
Major Instrument | 7 hours |
Primary Ensemble | 7 hours |
Secondary Ensemble | 2 hours |
MUSIC 1000 Recitals | 0 hours |
0-1 hours |
Supporting Music Course Work | 29 hours |
Music History and Literature: | |
3 hours | |
4 hours | |
4 hours | |
Music Theory: | |
3 hours | |
1 hour | |
3 hours | |
1 hour | |
3 hours | |
1 hour | |
3 hours | |
1 hour | |
2 hours |
Music Education | 17 hours | |
2 hours | ||
2 hours | ||
2 hours | ||
MUSIC 2700 Computers and Technology for the Musician and the Music Educator | 2 hours | |
MUSIC 3530 Secondary Instrumental Methods and MUSIC 3530L Secondary Instrumental Methods Lab | 3 hours | |
MUSIC 3540 Elementary General Music Methods and MUSIC 3540L Elementary General Music Methods Lab | 3 hours | |
MUSIC 3550 Secondary Vocal Music Methods and MUSIC 3550L Secondary Choral Methods Lab | 3 hours |
Proficiencies | 7 hours |
Piano: | |
MUSIC 1510 Piano Proficiency I and MUSIC 1510L Piano Proficiency 1 Lab | 1 hour |
MUSIC 1520 Piano Proficiency II and MUSIC 1520L Piano Proficiency II Lab | 1 hour |
Techniques: | 5 hours |
Choose five of the following: |
Capstone | 2 hours |
2 hours |
Professional Education Courses Required for Certification | 26 hours |
1 hour | |
EDUC 2050 Human Development and Learning I and EDUC 2050L Human Development and Learning I Laboratory | 2 hours |
2 hours | |
SPED 2070 Understanding Human Differences or SPED 3070 Methods for Teaching Secondary Students with Disabilities | 3 hours |
3 hours | |
7 hours | |
7 hours | |
1 hour |
Vocal emphasis students must be in a choral ensemble as their major ensemble and an instrumental ensemble as their secondary ensemble. Instrumental emphasis students must be in an instrumental ensemble as their major ensemble and a choral ensemble as their secondary ensemble.
It is expected that students desiring the music education (combination emphasis) major will have competency on a secondary instrument. Those not meeting this secondary competency must register in the appropriate applied music courses. In case of questions, a secondary instrument competency audition will be required as determined by the department.
A course providing a broad, general survey of education in the United States, designed to help students decide whether to continue coursework in professional education. This course is a prerequisite to further work in the department.
(Normally offered each semester.)
A course designed to allow students an opportunity to determine if they have a talent for teaching. Students will be assigned to assist an elementary, or secondary school teacher for a designated period of time each week. May be repeated a maximum of three times.
Pass/Fail only.
Pre or corequisite(s): EDUC 1010 Introduction to Education in the United States.
(Normally offered each semester.)
A course designed to acquaint students with the basic principles of growth and all phases of human development. Students will be required to assist an elementary or secondary teacher for a 50-minute period twice a week.
Pre or corequisite(s): EDUC 1010 Introduction to Education in the United States or permission of the department chair or instructor.
(Normally offered each semester.)
Students observe/assist in educational settings associated with our P-12 school system. P/F Only.
Corequisite(s): EDUC 2050 Human Development and Learning I.
(Normally offered each semester.)
A continuation of EDUC 2050 with emphasis on the principles of learning and their application in the field of education. Secondary students will be required to assist a school teacher for a 50-minute period twice a week.
Pre or corequisite(s): EDUC 1010 Introduction to Education in the United States and EDUC 2050 Human Development and Learning I, or permission of the department chair or instructor.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)
This course helps future teachers and coaches recognize and understand biases experienced by groups and individuals due to race, ethnicity, gender, social class, religion, exceptionality, sexual orientation, and language background to help them work effectively with a diverse student or student-athlete population. This course meets the Nebraska Human Relations Training requirement for teacher certification and for the NSAA coaching certification
Pre or Corequisite(s): EDUC 1010 Introduction to Education in the United States or declared Coaching minor, or permission of instructor.
(Normally offered each semester.)
Students work with one or more music teachers in an elementary school.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program or permission of the department chair.
Students work with one or more music teachers in a secondary school.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of preliminary student teaching requirements or approval of the department chair.
A capstone course that meets biweekly for two hours to focus on two areas: first, to provide a structured and safe environment to dialogue about student teaching successes and concerns; and second, invited speakers, students and the instructor will discuss topics most pertinent to student teaching, how to obtain a teaching position, and critical issues for the beginning teacher. Topics include educational law, morals and ethics, student/teacher/parent rights and responsibilites, establishing and maintaining positive communication with the staff and community, as well as interviewing and job search skills.
Corequisite(s): Student teaching or permission of the department chair.
(Normally offered each semester.)
Student must attend 12 approved recitals, concerts, or performances during the semester. Pass/Fail only.
Weekly 30-minute piano lessons with one-on-one instruction. Lessons will explore piano repertoire appropriate to the student's ability level, and piano proficiency skills, including major and minor scales and cadence shords, harmonization and transposition, and improvisation.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 1510L Piano Proficiency 1 Lab.
Group piano instruction taught in the electronic piano laboratory once each week. Emphasis on mastering the piano proficiency skills of major and minor scales and cadence chords, harmonization and transposition and improvisation at the piano. P/F Only.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 1510 Piano Proficiency I.
Weekly 30-minute piano lessons with one-on-one instruction. Lessons will explore piano repertoire appropriate to the student's ability level, and piano proficiency skills, including sight-reading hymn style piano writing and open score reading.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 1520L Piano Proficiency II Lab.
Group piano instruction taught in the electronic piano laboratory once each week. Emphasis on mastering the piano proficiency skills of sight-reading hymn style piano writing, and open score reading. P/F Only.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 1520 Piano Proficiency II.
Class instruction on all woodwind instruments with emphasis on performance and teaching techniques. Students will develop proficiency on three woodwind instruments.
Class instruction on all brass instruments with emphasis on performance and teaching techniques. Students will develop proficiency on three brass instruments.
Class instruction in violin, viola, cello, and bass with emphasis on performance and teaching techniques.
Class instruction in the performance and teaching techniques of percussion instruments.
Class instruction in the performance and teaching techniques of guitar.
A review of the fundamentals of music (scales, key signatures, intervals) and the presentation of triads and their harmonic and melodic implications. Students at the appropriate skill level may attempt to test out of this course. Please see the instructor or Department Chair for more information.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 1620 Musicianship I.
A graded course in the fundamentals of sight-singing; sight-reading, and ear training. Exercises in rhythm; meter; clef-reading; scales; intervals; error correction; singing of single melodies; duets and simple harmonic patterns; drills in rhythmic and melodic coordination; and rhythmic, melodic, and elementary harmonic dictation.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 1610 Music Theory I.
A continuation of MUSIC 1610 including inversions of triads, non-harmonic tones, dominant seventh chords, and their resolutions. Emphasis is on four-part writing and analysis of music from the Common Practice Period.
Prerequisite(s): MUSIC 1610 Music Theory I or permission of the instructor.
Continuation of MUSIC 1620 Musicianship I.
Prerequisite(s): MUSIC 1610 Music Theory I and MUSIC 1620 Musicianship I or permission of the instructor.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 1630 Music Theory II.
A study of the phonetics and pronunciation of the international phonetic alphabet (IPA) and languages appropriate to the singer.
(Normally offered fall semester of even years.)
This course introduces a systematic pedagogical approach to the study of voice production for use in the studio or classroom. Students examine basic anatomy and physiology, vocal health, and other topics relevant to voice teaching. Students will apply these concepts through supervised teaching experiences both in and out of class.
(Normally offered fall semester of even years.)
An introduction to technique and conducting style with emphasis given to developing a non baton competency. Attention also will be given to vocal interpretation and choral score reading.
Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)
Continuation of MUSIC 2500 Conducting I with emphasis on instrumental pedagogy, principles of instrumental transcription, orchestration, instrumental ranges and idiomatic characteristics, and score preparation.
Prerequisite(s): MUSIC 2500 Conducting I or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)
Seventh chords, including the diminished seventh chord; various types of modulation; introduction of secondary dominants; analysis and writing of the period, binary, and ternary song forms; choral harmonization; and modal scales.
Prerequisite(s): MUSIC 1630 Music Theory II or permission of the instructor.
A review of advanced sight-reading and ear training, drills in more complex rhythmic and melodic materials including chromatic formations, and increased emphasis on individual part-singing and harmonic dictation.
Prerequisite(s): MUSIC 1630 Music Theory II and MUSIC 1640 Musicianship II or permission of the instructor.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 2610 Music Theory III.
This course examines the development of new concepts and theories of music that led to significant departures from standard musical practices and ideals. Students will explore twentieth century pitch resources, and contrast late tonal techniques and styles of composers such as Debussy, Ives, Messiaen, Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Webern and more. Analysis of specific works will promote discussions, tracing theoretical paths that led to the development of post tonal and avant-garde music. The content is designed to:
- Widen your knowledge of, appreciation for, and ability to identify, describe, and critically assess musical works in light of the innovative ideas that led to their creation.
- Give you a sophisticated understanding of the cultural, aesthetic, and stylistic relevance of these works in order to better comprehend the historical impact of radical departures from the norm.
- To practically apply your knowledge of musical elements in order to create informed and appropriate musical interpretations within the body of music that forms your own repertoire.
- To introduce you to the oral expression of your music in the style of a professional lecture presentation, so that you can improve your skills in verbally describing music and musical analysis.
Prerequisite(s): MUSIC 2610 Music Theory III or permission of the instructor.
This course focuses on advanced concepts of analytical listening. Relying on established practices, the student will learn how to make sense of intricate and advanced musical concepts by creating a connection between aural processes and the student’s developed understanding of musical events. Topics in this class include demonstrating increasing fluency with 20th century tonalities such as modal, pentatonic, and octatonic scales, identifying tri-chord pitch-class sets, navigating exercises that modulate to distantly related keys through chromatic relationships, and auralizing advanced perceptual awareness of non-diatonic and post-tonal musical structures. Student’s will focus their efforts on two subdivisions that highlight important areas of skill development – aural acuity in recognizing advanced structures in order to identify their function in increasingly chromatic and post tonal music, and the ability to demonstrate this both through oral expression in performance and written notation of cognitively recalled exercises.
Prerequisite(s): MUSIC 2610 Music Theory III and MUSIC 2620 Musicianship III or permission of the instructor.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 2630 Music Theory IV.
The course is offered to explore the essential topics a musician should consider when using computers and technology - whether for the purpose of listening, performing, composing, or teaching. Covering subjects ranging from music CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) and desktop publishing to notation sequencing and MIDI and multimedia and CD audio, this course is designed as an introductory undergraduate course devoted to computers as applied to music technology for the musician and music educator.
Key cultural concepts are used to explore music from selected global case studies. Social, cultural, and historical contexts are examined in relation to musical materials and their application in various traditions and repertoires. The fieldwork project (and experiential learning component) for this class requires some off-campus activities to be arranged by the student.
This course is designed to prepare students for teaching instrumental music in late elementary, middle and senior high school. Students will develop knowledge, skills and techniques for planning, delivering, and evaluating music instruction; organizing and administering an instrumental music program; and curriculum development, material selection, rehearsal procedures, and the philosophy of instrumental music teaching. Students must sign up for one of the labs associated with this course.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance in the Teacher Education Program or by permission of the chair of the Department of Education. Must have passed piano proficiency and PPST exam.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 3530L Secondary Instrumental Methods Lab.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)
Students will have been placed by the instructor into a secondary instrumental music classroom in a public school by the first week of class. Students will complete a minimum of 20 hours of observation and teaching over the course of the semester at their placement site. Typically, students visit the classroom for approximately two hours per week. It is anticipated that the hours are completed throughout the entire semester, so students should plan to continue going to their placements for the entire semester even if they complete the 20 hours early in the semester. May be repeated. P/F Only.
Pre or corequisite(s): MUSIC 3530 Secondary Instrumental Methods.
This course is designed to help preservice music teachers develop ways of thinking about music teaching and learning that will serve them throughout their careers as music educators. Specifically, students will develop knowledge, skills and techniques for planning, delivering, and evaluating music instruction for children. Although the specific focus of this course is children ages PK-8th grade, many of the principles of teaching and learning apply to younger and older learners. During this course, students will develop habits of thinking and practice that are expected of professionals in music education.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance in the Teacher Education Program or by permission of the chair of the Department of Education. Must have passed piano proficiency and PPST exam.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 3540L Elementary General Music Methods Lab.
Students will have been placed by the instructor into an elementary music classroom in a public school by the first week of class. Students will complete a minimum of 20 hours of observation and teaching over the course of the semester at their placement site. Typically, students visit the classroom for approximately two hours per week. It is anticipated that the hours are completed throughout the entire semester, so students should plan to continue going to their placements for the entire semester even if they complete the 20 hours early in the semester. May be repeated. P/F Only.
Pre or corequisite(s): MUSIC 3540 Elementary General Music Methods.
A survey of teaching vocal music in the secondary schools (grades 7-12). Emphasis is on administration, organization, rehearsal procedures, materials, and the philosophy of music as a public school subject.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance in the Teacher Education Program or by permission of the chair of the Department of Education. Must have passed piano proficiency and PPST exam.
Corequisite(s): MUSIC 3530L Secondary Instrumental Methods Lab.
Students will have been placed by the instructor into a secondary vocal music classroom in a public school by the first week of class. Students will complete a minimum of 20 hours of observation and teaching over the course of the semester at their placement site. Typically, students visit the classroom for approximately two hours per week. It is anticipated that the hours are completed throughout the entire semester, so students should plan to continue going to their placements for the entire semester even if they complete the 20 hours early in the semester. May be repeated. P/F Only.
Pre or corequisite(s): MUSIC 3550 Secondary Vocal Music Methods.
The study of arranging techniques for instrumental and vocal ensembles, including the ranges and capabilities of instruments and voices and scoring procedures.
Prerequisite(s): MUSIC 2630 Music Theory IV.
(Normally offered fall semester of even years.)
Students learn and apply information from music, history, culture, and gender studies. Honoring the relationship between past and present, we explore systems of privilege and oppression associated with the intersection of gender, sexualities, race, socio-economic status, and other markers of identity. Since music intersects with all fields of study, students select their in-roads based on their majors, minors, passions, and vocation. This course examines foundational concepts and genres from the Medieval through Baroque periods of the music history survey. Students develop and apply music research skills in historical social/cultural context and current published scholarship. 3000-level course has additional requirements. Please consult with the instructor.
This course builds on the foundation of the Equal Justice Initiative's work of truth-telling and reckoning about racial injustice, so that the U.S. can move toward healing and repair. We don't have to hide our present legacy of racial difference built during our past. We can confront it, reconcile, and build equity. How does racism operate in music and culture? Students will conduct research in music studies and racial justice and build skills to do the leadership work of antiracist equity. Since music intersects with all fields of study, students select their in-roads based on their majors, minors, passions, and vocation. This course examines foundational concepts and genres from the Classic through Contemporary periods of the music history survey. Students develop and apply music research skills in historical social/cultural context and current published scholarship. The 3000-level course has additional requirements. Please consult with the instructor.
Final performance demonstrating ability in the student's major instrument. Music Performance majors must take MUSIC 4940 for 1 credit. All other majors may take the Senior Recital for 0 to 1 credit.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the department chair.
Advanced research methods, analytical writing, and professional presentation skills compromise the primary components of this rigorous culminating course, which focuses on the integration and application of knowledge and prepares students for the transition from their undergraduate education into their future profession. The Senior Capstone Seminar should be taken during the student's last year in residence at Nebraska Wesleyan University.
Prerequisite(s): Music major with senior standing or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)
This course provides an overview of basic concepts related to the inclusive education of differently abled students. A broad understanding of a range of low and high incidence disabilities will be explored. Historical factors, legislation, litigation, service delivery models, and cross-cultural issues are examined in the course. Students will complete a fieldwork experience that will allow them an opportunity to assist kindergarten, elementary, middle school, or junior high special education students for a designated period of time. No P/F.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)
A course designed to acquaint secondary education students with appropriate teaching strategies and methodologies for the regular classroom when teaching students who are gifted or have mild/moderate disabilities. Legal responsibilities and obligations concerning both populations are also discussed. A field experience is included as part of this course.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)